Currently calculating build statistics
New statistical data will be added soon.
Drain health from enemies in front of you while they are in the radius.
-19s Cooldown
+2s Duration
+40 Damage Per Second
Charge forward, colliding with enemies and dragging them along. Hitting a wall will Stun enemies caught by Abrams. Speed increased after colliding with enemy Heroes.
-19s Cooldown
+0.5s Duration
+5.5 Weapon Damage for 8s after colliding with an enemy
Regenerate a portion of incoming damage over time.
+1.5 Health Regen
+150 Health
+8% Damage regenerated
Leap high into the air and choose a ground location to crash into. When you hit the ground, all enemies in the radius are damaged and stunned.
Press [M1] to crash down early.
-38s Cooldown
Gain 100 Max HP and 15% Fire Rate per hero hit. Lasts 25s.
On cast, become Immune to Stun, Silence, Sleep, Root, and Disarm. Expires 3s after landing.