Currently calculating build statistics
New statistical data will be added soon.
Deal Light Melee damage to nearby units and send them flying back, causing area damage where they land. Does not damage allies.
-10.5s Cooldown
On Uppercut enemy Hero, gain fast spin-up time, 2x range, and +60% weapon damage for 12s
On Uppercut enemy Hero, set Hook cooldown to 0 and instantly +100% bullets to your current clip
Attach a Sticky Bomb to a nearby target that deals explosive damage after a short fuse time.
Gain +2.5% bomb damage for every enemy hero hit.
Hold [M3] to cast a Sticky Bomb on yourself.
-7.5s Cooldown
+80 Damage
On Attach, disarms the target for 3.5s
Launch out a hook that grabs and reels in the first hero it hits and deals damage to enemies. Target will be placed where you are facing.
Bebop deals 30% more bullet damage against hooked enemies for 10s
+30m Cast Range
-11.5s Cooldown
Charge up your laser to unleash a powerful torrent of energy that deals damage and slows enemies' movement and dashes. You have slow movement and turn rate for the duration. If activated in the air, you will hover while unleashing the beam.
-30s Cooldown
+100 DPS
Hyper Beam heals Bebop for 100% of its damage on Heroes. 33% on non-hero