Currently calculating build statistics
New statistical data will be added soon.
Deal damage to nearby enemies and heal yourself based on the damage done. Heal is stronger against enemy heroes.
-3.75s Cooldown
+25 Damage
Adds a debuff to enemies that lets Mo & Krill deal +15% Damage to them. Stacks and lasts 16s.
Burrow underground, moving faster, and gaining spirit and bullet armor. Damage from enemy heroes will reduce the speed bonus. When you jump out, knock enemies into the air and perform a spin attack that damages and slows. Cooldown starts when Burrow ends.
Burrow time +3s
+140 Spin DPS and +2 radius
-19 Cooldown and +2m/s Move Speed
Spray sand that disarms enemies in front of you and deals damage.
+1s Duration
-19s Cooldown
Slow targets by -50%
Hold the target in place, stunning them and dealing damage during the channel. If they die during Combo, you permanently gain max health.
-28s Cooldown
Combo Duration +0.75s
+40 Damage Per Second and 100% lifesteal