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New statistical data will be added soon.
Throw a grenade that begins pulsing when it lands. Each pulse applies damage, movement slow, and stacking damage amplification for Paradox against the victim.
+1 Pulses
-7.5s Cooldown
+45 Pulse Damage and +2% Damage Amp per stack.
Create a time warping wall that stops time for all enemy projectiles and bullets that touch it. Enemies that touch the wall will take damage as a percentage of their max health and be briefly slowed.
+2m Width, +1m Height
+1 Charges
Enemies that touch Time Wall will be Silenced for 3s
Start charging your weapon and gain increased movement speed once it's fully charged. Your next shot will release the energy, dealing spirit damage and applying a time stop to the enemy hit. The damage dealt is an amplification of your current weapon damage.
You can slow time on yourself by pressing [M2] while an empowered shot is available.
+0.5s Max Stop Duration
-9.5s Cooldown and +2s Speed Boost Duration
+50% Max Damage Amp
Fire a projectile that swaps your position with the target enemy hero. While the effect occurs, you gain spirit lifesteal and the enemy takes damage over time.
+15m Cast Range
+100 Swap Damage
-14s Cooldown