Currently calculating build statistics
New statistical data will be added soon.
Shoot a ball of lightning that travels in a straight line. Does damage to all targets in its radius. Slows down when damaging enemies and stops if it hits the world.
+1 Charges
+40% Movement Slow
+70 DPS and +1m radius
Apply a charge to a target enemy hero. After a short duration, the static charge stuns and damages enemies within the radius.
Alt-Cast to cast on yourself.
-19s Cooldown
+8m Radius
+0.9s Stun Duration
Power up your weapon with a shock effect, making your bullets proc shock damage on your target. This shock damage bounces to enemies near your target. Occurs once per burst shot.
Shock Damage applies -15% Spirit Resist for 8s
-15s Cooldown
+12 Shock Damage, improved Spirit scaling, and +3 Max Jumps
Channel an expanding storm cloud around you that damages all enemies within its radius. Enemies do not take damage when they are out of line-of-sight. You have increased Bullet Resist during the channel.
+35% Bullet Resist while channeling Storm Cloud
+7s Channel Time and +10m Radius
+75 DPS